Saturday, November 8, 2008

mmm been aboutt a week

so i've been trying to find a way to type letters backwards. and i dont mean like this "siht ekil naem tnod i dna". i've been trying to find a way to literally type backwards letters. like mirrored or inverted letters like this "Я". except i've been trying to find a way to do it with the entire alphabet, uppercase and lowercase. and i am aware that some letters are the same backwards as they are forwards like the capital "A" or "U" or "I" or "T" or "Y" or "W" etc. and a few lowercase letters like "x" and "o" and sometimes "l" depending on the font thats used. anyway i was able to find a really neat site that automatically types letters upside down when you type into the top box. then you just copy/paste it to whatever and you have upside down text for example "ǝןdɯɐxǝ uɐ sı sıɥʇ". what is grinding on my nerves is that if someone can create a site that does that, shouldnt someone be able to create a site that can mirror letters when you type??? its pissing me off because i really wanna make mirrored text for some pieces of writing that im doing and there is NOTHING that i can find. does anyone have anything to help me find what im looking for?

Saturday, November 1, 2008

ooooooooh testing for viewable video clip

hahahaha one of my fav vids :DDD


my new room is about half way or more finished omgomgomgomgomg i want it done
but daaaammmnnnn this is going to be the first night in over a year that i've slept in a bed...because for over a year, i've slept on the freakin floor. and lemme be the first to tell you it is REEEEAAAAALLLLLYYYY comfortable. you can argue and deny the fact all day long but hey i wouldnt have spent an entire year of my life sleeping on the floor if i didnt like it.
anyway. got my bed assembled, my 2 bookcases put together and some doors and drawers for it. yep its gonna look kellafreakin schweeeeet when its finished. tomorrow im gonna put up my computer desk and some other stuff including a sicknsweet mirror lol.
but for now im gonna have one more piece of kandy, get a small cup of ginger ale, go call my ex for a bit and friggin crash. i am done!!! :)

Friday, October 31, 2008

all hallows eve

just got back from mr. andersons house after me, him, chelsea, katrina, aaron, alison, alysse, some red headed anorexic biotch, and a bunch of other peeps went trick or treating in st. marlo
that was really fun especially since we ended up losing nick and chelsea for a bit. it was really dark and despite nicks ostrich costume, he wasnt exactly vibrant.
but i managed to slightly fill a pillow case with candy and im ready to consume it all rapidly and recieve another perfect dental report. no cavities, perfect teeth structure and alignment

wow i love being me sometimes :P

Sunday, October 26, 2008


lolol im on here!!!!! wooo freakin hoooo!!!!